Tuesday 5 January 2010

Minutes of our ARG meeting

Minutes of the meeting

Present: HW, JN, Chenai, Billy, Matthew, KH, Kristy
  1. Brief review of activities last term. Lots of opportunities to respond to external initiatives so would like more control of our own plans for the next two terms.
  2. Mr Hawes showed us a film made by Web & Play (www.webplay.org) Should we invite Sydney Thornbury to talk to us about what we do and what her company could offer to our primary partners? Yes. Could be a transition project about primary secondary transfer.
  3. We looked at Battlefront 2 (www.battlefront.co.uk) - young people's campaign website (with spin-off TV programme) Would any of the group like to take part?
  4. 'CreateVoice' V&A Youth Forum 16-21 year olds. Would be useful for anyone interested in working in the creative industries.
  5. How could we work successfully with Tangled Feet again? Mr Nicholls described the Facebook Feedback project and a conversation he has had with Kat Joyce about creating a kind of opera based on the stories and memories of the existing and ex-communities of Thomas Tallis School - a kind of social history. Could the Student Commissioning Group take responsibility for co-ordinating this project? John Riches (Creative Agent) visiting on 19th January to help establish this group. Who would be members of this group? How will they be selected?
  6. How do we encourage all subjects in the school to become more creative? How can we help to track, measure and evaluate the impact of creative learning across the school? We looked at the feedback from faculties. How could we help to highlight/showcase/interrogate creative learning in each area? Should we start with a faculty that is already very positive about creative learning E.g. Maths?
  7. Skills Swap - Posters have appeared around the school. We are not sure quite how this will work but we are still keen on the idea of staff and students working together swapping skills. We will create a display in the staff room for staff to "Seek" a skill and "Offer" a skill in return. How do we engage students effectively?
  8. We have begun to arrange possible pairs to engage in a version of "Faking It!" The idea will be to create 4 mini documentaries involving teacher swaps from different disciplines by half term. We then hope to involve more members of staff later in the year.
Meeting ended: 4:30pm

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brilliant.. Maybe we could created a sort of trailer for skills swap.. And like last time how we advertised the "top secret" event (tangled feet). This maybe the best way to get the students involved, we could make funny demonstrations of how a teacher and student swap their jobs..

Sorry i missed the meeting, i was kinda ill.. but i will hopefully be there next tuesday!! :)