The app, which you will soon hopefully be able to download from the App Store via iTunes, is a collection of all the blog feeds that are related to the school. At the moment, these are almost exclusively arts or creative learning based but, eventually, if blogging takes off, students and staff will be able to access the latest information about the school and the curriculum using this app. There is an Android version of the app on the way for anyone without an iPhone. Even now there are an amazing 25 different feeds from a combination of Blogger, Tumblr, Twitter and Flickr sites.

I'll let you know when it becomes available on the App Store. Exciting times!
I think this is a great example of how quickly things that would have been inconceivable a few years ago are now possible and accessible. A school with an app! That's great. It is also a good example of the potential for us to create exciting ways of putting hand-held devices at the heart of learning. I had a little search for the app, but looks like I've got to be a bit more patient.
I checked again last night and it looks like it might take a couple of weeks to get the app in the store, assuming it is approved. I also need the company to give me more feeds because we have so many active blogs! There's an Android version of the app on the way apparently.
This is amazing! - When it gets approved I think this really needs to get pushed. So many students have iPhones and iTouchs!
good article, concerning the iphone app, i do a benchmark of the application that convert RSS to Iphone application (and Androïd)
here the result:
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