Wednesday 20 May 2009


Creativity ARG Meeting Notes
19th May 09

We had a very productive and ambitious meeting to discuss how we advertise and recruit for the Tangled Feet residency. To start Amber and Tom showed us some of the work by Tangled Feet and we discussed how they worked. We liked the fact that the audience weren’t informed of what exactly was happening.

We decided we wanted to recruit around 15 people to help /take part with the Tangled Feet residency and we thought there should be a mix of all years across the school. To recruit these participants we decided we wanted them to have an experience similar to the experiences we want to create with Tangled Feet and to those we have encountered on our visits to places like Rivington Place and Tunnel 228.

We wanted to advertise for volunteers and discussed interesting ways to interview them. We decided we wanted recruits to experience a game/challenge to see how they worked together and explain the project.

We want to advertise an event but do not want to give away exact details (also we weren’t really sure what they might be asked to do). We decided on certain skills / qualities that our recruits needed. They should be confident, creative, outgoing, enthusiastic, be able to commit to the project and most importantly have the ability to keep a secret. We also thought we should mention that the project will be with a theatre company.

We decided that we would advertise for recruits through posters, pizza bags, assembly, website, TV in reception, and tannoy announcement. Matthew volunteered to interrupt lessons in the name of creative promotional advertising.

Interviews will take place after school and ideally the experience will last about 20 minutes with time afterwards for interviewees to make personal statements if they want to take part.
The interviews start off with a map challenge where recruits are given clues which eventually lead them to the drama studio. ARG members will be on hand to guide lost recruits.
A video will then be shown to recruits in the drama studio / Lots of little videos showing the type of experiences we want to create. Members of the ARG will then explain their roll, with a question and answer session. Recruits can then write a short/film a short statement about why they want to take part.

The group were a bit worried about the number of people who may apply. Some thought there would be too many to cope with and some thought there would be too few. We decided to limit the number of people that could be interviewed to 40 across the school and that this might make the chance to apply more desirable. The first 40 participants would have to pick up a clue from a designated person.

Action Plan

  • Amber - to check out drama studio availability and start map with clues different routes. Could we contribute possible clues on blog?
  • Raihan - to make promotional film for screen in reception which calls for recruits
  • Tom and Billy - to make the film/s for the drama studio explaining what the project is about
  • Seb and Matt and KH to work on posters in coordination with Raihan
  • Shannon and DP are to think about the logistics of setting up drama studio, booking out equipment, getting filming ready. Could we have tents with laptops in to film why they want to take part?

Week commencing 1st June Posters to be out (1st week after half term)
Possible date for interviews 11th June (2nd week after half term)

Ms Hawkins

1 comment:

Amber Rowe said...

drama say check nearer the time - so I will...
got a map and ill show you next tuesday