I've had a go at creating a poster for Skills Swap. can you tell me what you think? Is the information OK? Have I missed anything? I'm going to take some more photos of staff and younger students so this can one of a series. Any comments would be gratefully received. We're hoping to launch the first Skills Swap session soon so I hope members of the ARG will come along for tea, biscuits and skills swapping type activities.
Mr N
Like it! I like the fact that the text is brief, open and welcoming. i also like the fact that it doesn't define the skills area - feels very inclusive.
indeed it is a work of beauty...but could skill swap not include parents???
Good point Sue. Not sure whether to include it in the poster now or wait and see how it takes off. What do you think?
i think it should include parents and mates, local community peeps...but in order to be more inclusive we would have to move it to a weekend activity...how does Sunday morning skillswap with coffee and cake provided by students/staff/urban farmers/parents etc etc sound as something to aim for in future...we would need to think about the venue..need wifi and catering facitlites but i would be v keen to work on a linked up project allowing the skills to expand beyond web/tech and include a wider range of abilities...
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