Wednesday 17 June 2009

Shine Competitions

Check out the Shine website for chances to enter exciting competitions with great prizes. It would also be great if you could have a look at the stuff we've uploaded from Tallis. We are currently the featured user (look in the bottom right hand corner of the homepage). The more people look at the Tallis content, the more it will be featured at the front end. Finally, you can register to upload your own content (music, photographs, video, words...anything really) and share your work with other folks around the world.


Amber Rowe said...

I signed up on the website, it asked for my teacher/tutor from the school so I put you Mr Nicholls seeing as you're the representative from the school on the website - hope you don't mind.

Jon said...

Yep, that's fine. I should have made that clear shouldn't I? Name me and I'll sort it out.