Wednesday, 29 September 2010

First meeting of the new academic year

The Creative Tallis Action Research Group met for the first time this academic year this morning. We have a great combination of new and existing members with the adults outnumbered by students. We really appreciate the students attending this morning since they would officially start school today an hour later. Some of them, in fact, only came in at all because they belong to the ARG. Very noble!

Our discussion focused on three things:

1. What do we want to achieve this year?
2. Who do want to collaborate with?
3. Who will benefit?

After a detailed and lively discussion we agreed to three foci for the year:

1. Developing a creative learning conference/Teechmeet and supporting the whole school creativity festival in the summer term
2. Establishing a creative learning project with a groups of Year 7 students (and their parents/carers) using handheld technologies. The idea would be to encourage the students to document their positive experiences of learning so that these can be shared with the whole community and inform the development of our pedagogy.
3. Working in collaboration with the maths, English and science faculties to develop inter-disciplinary creative learning strategies, possibly through a Teacher Exchange programme.

Thanks for everyone's contributions today. It promises to be a very exciting year again for us.


Danuta said...

I agree, it was a very positive an productive meeting. In order to achieve our aims for this year we have to meet outside of the ARGs meetings schedule and we ought to get representatives from the English, Maths and Science departments.
I am awaiting a group email...


Jon said...

I'm meeting Mr Greig soon to discuss the handheld learning project for Year 7 and we are arranging to meet a couple if curriculum leaders too to progress some creative learning ideas with the support of the specialisms. I'll get back to you about meetings once I have a clearer idea of the landscape ahead.