Creative Learning SSC Group Research
What follows is the collated feedback from Faculty Meetings in response to a request from the Senior Staff Conference Creativity Group to define creativity and describe what it might look like in the context of particular subject disciplines within the school. The group is attempting to identify good practice with respect to creative learning strategies for wider dissemination. This is seen to be the first step towards promoting a more cross-curricular approach to creative learning in the longer term. The English and Humanities faculties were unfortunately unable to provide us with a response due to competing demands on their time.
Creativity is doing something different in approaches to teaching e.g. using a selection of VAK strategies in lessons. Creative approaches to learning should be engaging, help students to learn and be vocational
What does creativity look like in Media?
Creativity in Media includes:
· Working independently using a variety of media processes and techniques to create an outcome
· Learning through discovery and experimentation with media technology, processes and techniques
· Reflecting/evaluating critically on the learning and creation processes, and their outcomes
· Working collaboratively to generate ideas and solutions
· Working within given parameters/constraints such as time, method, available technology, client brief
· Acknowledging existing levels of skill, knowledge or understanding and establishing what new learning is necessary and how to access that in order to achieve goals
· Learning from ‘mistakes’ and reassessing strategies used – therefore developing resilience
· Developing their own expertise and interests within the subject area
· Challenging accepted perceptions and encouraging students to approach things differently
What creativity looks like in learning:
· Students using their own ideas and inspirations as a vehicle for their learning
· Students learning through a process of research, experimentation, documentation of process, creation and evaluation/reflection
· Students being encouraged to take risks, learn through ‘mistakes’ and develop resilience
· It transcends the walls of the classroom – via visits, valuing the existing personal interests and expertise of students and engaging students with learning as a continuous process
· Students thinking critically about their own work and the work of others, including professionals
· Students solving problems independently, or through collaboration alongside the teacher as facilitator
· It looks fun, purposeful, engaging, enjoyable
· Students exhibiting, performing, publishing and sharing work in order to receive feedback from wider audiences
The act of producing new ideas, approaches and actions.
Students working independently, developing new skills to enable a better understanding of the creative aspects of music. Discovering creative aspects outside of the musical sphere; words, mathematics, history, art etc...
What does it look like within the planning, delivery and outcomes of lessons?
How do we plan for creativity? We have to plan our lessons so that the students are constantly questioned and challenged. Questioning is the key to the students ownership of their knowledge and by challenging them we develop the resilience needed for a healthy creative environment in music.
Delivering key skills in music is absolutely essential to the student’s creative freedom. Without the key skills the students will be forever frustrated creatively.
Whilst following the curriculum or any of the qualifications we offer at key stage 4 and 5 we always try to bring our own experience of music making to the class room. This, we feel, brings a certain authenticity to our delivery.
At best a student will want to take music into further education and have the skills and creativity to cope with it. However, it is hoped that we would instil a general love for and an eclectic approach to music making.
Key words and phrases the faculty think are important for creativity: differentiation, flexibility, imagination, interactive, tolerance, variety of approach, thinking outside the box, open-ended
Creativity is:
· An expression of oneself
· Ideas and problem solving
· Problem solving in a variety of ways
· Using your imagination
· Being original
· Thinking ‘outside the box’
· Taking risks with your work
· Exploring at a deeper level
Creativity in Drama:
· Performance based
· Development of characters, settings, story lines
· Group work and problem solving
· Group/peer discussion
· Freedom to explore
· Opportunities for facilitating learning, rather than teacher led
· Flexibility and enjoyment of lessons
Creativity in Dance is:
· Taking given material, phrases or skills and manipulating them into something new.
· Accepting that mistakes can take you somewhere unexpected and that it is not always bad to have a mistake.
· Working in pairs or larger groupings to create work around a given theme.
· Being able to explain what was done and why/if it was effective.
How creativity looks when planning delivery and outcomes of lessons.
As dance is creative by its very nature creativity is planned through out all schemes of work. SOW follow this rough progression.
· Introduction of theme and skills.
· Practice of skills to improve technique and safety.
· Introduction of Key words (opportunity to use key words in group dialogue so that creativity can be correctly labelled and understood)
· Manipulation of skills into a dance.
· Opportunities to discuss experiment and explore.
· Performance of work to class/teacher
· Assessment and evaluation.
· If time allows further development of the dance to implement assessment targets.
Creativity in Photography includes:
· Working within given constraints e.g. a deadline, a technique or process, a conceptual framework
· Creating original solutions to a given problem/challenge (these can be original to the individual rather than on a world scale!)
· Thinking imaginatively and generating new ideas/thoughts
· Assimilating existing information and using this to create new work
· Combining materials, processes and techniques to make hybrid works
· Evaluating work to establish its value
· Embracing the role of chance in the process of making
· Working collaboratively to generate ideas with others
What creative looks like in learning:
· Students are encouraged to solve problems independently and arrive at original solutions
· Students learn through a mixture of research, practical experiment, documentation, creation and evaluation
· Students are rewarded for experimentation and encouraged to take risks, make mistakes and learn from them
· Students learn various techniques and processes but are encouraged to play with them, find new combinations, break them down and see accidents as potentially useful
· Students publish their work to a large audience online and receive feedback
· Students discuss their work and the work of others in class, arriving at value judgements. They are encouraged to think like critics.
· Students are questioned about their work by the teacher, prodded to think imaginatively and encouraged to be inventive.
· The skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation are crucial to creating original work of value.
· Students evaluate the achievements of reputable visual artists and encouraged to take inspiration from non-photographic forms of art
· Students exhibit their work in an end of year show. They are encouraged to plan an installation that makes full use of the space available and surprises the audience.
· Students visit galleries and museums throughout the course in order to expand their frame of reference and enhance their cultural awareness.
Creativity is an approach to realising an idea through creative thinking and problem-solving (cognitive). It can be a creative approach to designing or making something (physical). The extent of someone’s creativity is very much down to personal interpretation and self expression. A creative response implies that a person thinks or acts in a way that isn’t necessarily the most obvious or conventional. They think “around” the task or issue raised and try to find more alternative, unique ways of responding.
Creativity takes on many forms in art:
Initial planning and thinking skills through discussion and brainstorming in groups. Personal designing and compositions and images with some freedom of choice. Personal selection and application of media (especially at KS4 and 5). Creative manipulation of individual 2D/3D work through the use of tools. Written evaluative responses to tasks, personal interpretation and response to the work of others (contextuyal study of artists and practitioners). Experimentation with materials: test strips, practice prints, maquettes.
In design, coming up with ideas, concepts and modifications of existing product exemplars. Pushing the boundaries of a discipline that is coherent and intelligible rather than random and unconsidered. Creating new thoughts for existing ways of working and doing things. Knowing the language of the medium and articulating new possibilities. Combining different elements to come up with new solutions. When deviating from the norm doing so in an intellectually justifiable way. In food, knowing enough about how ingredients behave, their functions, and to be able to design a product and make it. Using knowledge, subject specific knowledge, and understanding to create something new/different. Creativity is also a type of energy.
Finding original and interesting ways of teaching (and assessing) topics that requires students to explore and make links between different areas, using a range of skills and resource.
Two sides to creativity - the teacher being creative in planning and delivery of lessons, and opportunities for students to be creative in lessons.
In the first sense - from the teacher's point of view - creative lessons include different sorts of activities that require students to think and work in different ways. Standard textbook practice has a place, but other activities might include card-matching/domino type puzzles, word problems that require students to think about what's really being asked, problems that synthesise material from two different topics - in general, activities that stop students from simply learning a procedure and repeating it.
From the students' point of view, a creative lesson is one where they decide how they approach the maths being taught. I think good examples of student creativity are harder to find than examples of teacher creativity, but often group work can let students be creative - if students approach hard problems or investigations in groups, then they have a good chance of success without the teacher specifically explaining how to do the problem.
I view being creative in my lessons as using a variety of teaching techniques and allowing the students to explore/record/display their class work in a variety of ways. This can be through producing displays, discussions, recording experimental results etc. (Alternatives to ‘just book work).
I think creativity is doing something in an original way. Not just doing something the way others have before, but finding a new way to complete the task. So in theory an approach can only be creative once, then it needs modifying, updating or changing entirely.
I think we have had many creative approaches to our teaching in recent years:
- isometric art project a few years ago, which led to parallel lines
- the water project, South Africa project, CAME, anything we introduced to the faculty
- using the internet to teach and set homework
- the enrichment file for G+T kids
- new assessment procedures such as peer and teacher evaluation forms
To still be a creative approach in the current SOW it must be an original idea, so current new ideas are:
- emotional learning (all SG's stuff)
- teaching via a spontaneous or random teacher not used before (we need to share these)
any new cross curricular things we do
Being able to explore ideas and express yourself in different ways/mediums How to be creative in maths lessons - open investigations, exploring rules, patterns or relationships, exploring maths in nature, creating songs/rhymes to aid learning, playing people maths.
Creativity is a mental and social process involving the generation of new ideas, concepts or new associations of the creative mind between existing ideas and concepts. Some say it is a trait we are born with, others say it can be taught with the application of simple techniques. Creativity has been associated with the right side of the brain and more specifically with lateral thinking. Creativity is used to refer to the act of producing new ideas, whilst innovation is the process of generating and applying these ideas in a specific context.
I wonder whether it is innovation that should, more properly be included on the SOW, whilst the creativity would be at the planning stages? Further, would the very fact that we would formalise the process actually stifle a creative/innovative outcome. Discuss!
Creativity within a classroom context to me is being able to get to a point where pupils can put their personal meaning on a concept by expressing what they've learnt in an such a way that shows off their ingenuity.
I think it is when students are facilitated to think and learn in a way that is not restricted by outcomes. They have been guided to the start of a journey of discovery but the path they take is their choice. The teacher is there to support the knowledge, in some cases bring them back to the right path, and to give them the confidence to 'discover'. I felt that the old investigations used to allow students a sense of creativity but even these were reigned in by the assessment.
Creativity is new ideas and methods for teaching topics – use of additional resources, relating to outside factors. Teaching a topic in a manner that is not in your comfort zone – taking a risk. In turn allowing students to take risks in how they learn – not just “on the board – do examples” lesson after lesson. This can then be built into the lesson planning and SoW’s. Add in a creativity to SoW as it occurs. Build up a record of when, where and how it is being used. Thinking outside the box- taking risks Shaping your emotions project Creativity is taking something familiar and making something unfamiliar with it. In planning lessons, changing lesson plans to be original - using alternative resources etc.
Delivery and outcomes - - Subverting the norm, eg reversing roles, using imagination and wit - adlibbing, change direction mid flow, changing targets.
I need to relate it to something specific - maths, my own experiences and then maybe to learning and teaching. The creative vibe that we generate is where all our wonderful projects come from and often are allowed to develop. I need to be even more precise. The important thing is the gem of an idea shared. There is some brainstorming of ideas, then mulling it over for a while, then more brain storming and more sharing of knowledge and ideas. It gets bigger and bigger and sometimes needs reining in. That’s the exciting bit. Then comes the writing up/creating resources and finally the show......
Projects such as
- Parallel lines
- Solar system and Time
- Stained glass windows
- Symmetry and Dance
- And many more
Some people seem to have natural creativity.
I enjoy introducing students to lateral thinking problems. These facilitate creativity for the students and the problem solving nature is a great workout for their wee brains!!! And mine! I think these problems allow the brain to create those all important creativity pathways.
A level students also have to learn to be creative in their approaches to solving problems. Especially those who struggle. The time they need for this is sometimes too much and we cannot give it to them sadly. They need to be able to dip into their bags of knowledge and experiment with their own ideas.
Creativity is behaviour which involves exploration, dealing with new concepts and new contexts, making connections.
Involving the use of the imagination in order to develop ideas and strategies so that tasks can be carried out and/or questions can be answered. PE is a subject that involves a wide range of skills in a wide range of spaces. Creativity is thus very different from one area of study to the next (Gymnastics – Games)
Solving problems independently, open-ended experiments, not restricted with regard to ideas, use of a range of resources and approaches in problem-solving. Transferable skills and ideas. Abstract thinking. Use of models to explain theories.
What does it look like in science?
Investigations, case studies, Badger exercises, APP exercises at KS3 e.g. planning and implementing investigation of sugar solubility
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