Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Action Research Group Meeting

We met today for the second time this year. I updated the group on progress made since our last meeting as follows:
  • The Year 7 family learning with mobile technology project (we need a better name for this!) is progressing well. We have purchased 20 new iPod Touches with parasync and protective case. We are writing home to parents about the project and will launch it officially at a parents' consultation event next week.
  • The trip to Oklahoma for the Creativity World Forum was a real success. More info can be found here. We made several great connections with other educators, particularly in Canada and in Oklahoma (Howe High School).
I have invited new members to the group to become authors of this blog.

We took a quick look at the Manifesto for a Creative Tallis and agreed to refresh it. Here is a link to the Google Doc version of the document.

We agreed to meet next out of schedule on Wednesday 15 December at 4pm.

The agenda for the next meeting includes the following items:
  1. Reviewing the Manifesto
  2. Contributing to the ARG blog
  3. Researching examples of best practice in promoting creative learning and sharing the evidence of the website.